
Possible Shore Line East expansion, current service subject of public meeting

GCA Director Zell Steever received accolades for his years-long advocacy to expand SLE’s rail service. Article in The Day by Sten Spinella, September 21, 2022

“The Connecticut Commuter Rail Council held a public meeting Wednesday night to give commuters and the state Department of Transportation an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding Shore Line East service.” Click HERE to read the full article.

Shoreline East Goes Electric

“These electric trains coming into service are an important milestone for Shore Line East,” Lamont said in a statement. “It is an improvement that has been long awaited, and has been delivered. We are speeding up transportation in the state and saving people time in their day. At the same time, we are fighting climate change by investing in cleaner, greener transportation. We are making investments in statewide rail travel and delivering on the promise to make our trains faster, quieter, and more efficient.” The Day, May 24, 2022 by Greg Smith

Groton Council to vote on whether to cease negotiations with data center developer

This Day article by Kimberly Drelich is a good recap of the data center issue leading up to the Council vote on Tuesday, March 29th, 6:30 pm at the Thrive 55+ Active Living Center, or virtually.

This is a photo of two local diesel-fueled generators at Groton Utilities. Between 20 - 50 generators will be needed for data center emergency back up and “peak shaving.”

‘This will all be underwater’: As climate change arrives in Connecticut, coastal towns like Groton face a precarious future of rising sea levels and intensifying storms

Click here to read this article written by Eliza Fawcett and Alex Putterman that appeared in the Hartford Courant on November 4, 2021, and that quoted GCA’s board member Zell Steever.

High tide in Mystic, CT. There was no weather event the day this photo was taken from the Mystic bascule bridge overlooking the S&P Oyster dock on October 9, 2021.

Data Center in Groton?

See our ALERT about the proposed data center and the public meeting. Come to the meeting! Write a letter to the Town Council! For more information on the data center issue, please read GCA’s letter to the Town Council for a summary of our concerns. For EVEN MORE INFO, check out this 2/23/2022 New London Day article and this 2/24/2022 op-ed piece by David Collins, and this 2/22/2022 CT EXAMINER article. A July 2021 article on Facebook’s data center in Utah explores the huge tax breaks being offered to data centers country-wide.